As soon as the AI Core is built, it begins to accumulate Gigaflops, a hidden resource, at a rate of 0.2 gflops per core level per day.
If gflops are not consumed using Entanglement Stations, they continue to build up over time. As gflops increases, so does the AI Level according to the following formula: Round(ln(gflops))
Once the AI Level reaches 15, the AI Apocalypse occurs. The AI will attack once per year, destroying 1% of your non-craftable resources per AI Level above 14.
The following resources will be harmed by the AI:
Note that because the AI level is calculated logarithmically, each additional AI level will take significantly more game time to reach.
The AI apocalypse will not occur if you have enacted a policy of Transkittenism. Conversely, Transkittenism cannot be enacted if the apocalypse has already begun.
Attempting to sell an AI Core during the apocalypse will fail, unlocking the System Shock Achievement if you don't already have it.